Floating on Air – Cappadocia

We have a habit of basing our foreign adventures upon the most minimal of information. The main reason we went to South East Asia in 2010 was because I had a small obsession (now a big obsession) with the temples of Angkor in Cambodia. Likewise we visited Peru because of the breathtaking city of Machu…

Istanbul in 1 Day

What with our insatiable appetite for perpetual movement we found we could only allow 1 full day to explore the city. Guidebooks and blogs, none of which are to be trusted of course, all seemed to suggest that 2 days was the very least amount of time necessary to fully appreciate Istanbul. Undeterred, we went…

And They’re Off – Istanbul

Like a phoenix from the flames this old blog is being resurrected once more. We are off on another adventure and this time the destinations are a little unusual. Well that’s not strictly true. The destinations are pretty mainstream, but I doubt anybody has combined Turkey and South Korea into their summer holiday before. We…