Barcelona one last time and a turbulent hop to France

This was my last day in Barcelona and I was sad to be leaving but at the same time excited to be moving on. My next stop was not home and as such I was starting to feel the type of excitement we experienced on our longer trips. Where the sadness of leaving one great…

Barcelona Photo Blog

Please bare in mind that I am no photographer and that I was also experimenting using my phone as a camera (which I think was successful). I also hardly bothered to use my tripod. And I have no patience. Or talent. So in summary, I’m better with words. But anyway, enjoy.

Barcelona Day 2 – Architecture & Gypsy Pickpockets

I slept awfully the night of the football match. I just couldn’t get warm despite taking a long hot shower and the duvet on my bunk was frustratingly inadequate. I resorted to sleeping fully clothed but kept waking. Mainly courtesy of the Japanese guy who staggered in at 4am and then kept talking in his…

Barcelona Day 1 – Weirdos, Chocolate & Football Induced Hypothermia

This blog is over 100 entries long and has covered every continent of our planet, with the exception of Antarctica. Yet I still find myself questioning what you might want to know about. Personally I have always enjoyed writing about the journey rather than the seeing and doing. So my 5 days in Barcelona fails…

Tenerife – Anaga Mountains, La Laguna and Playa Teresitas

When we start to plan our foreign jaunts we always set out with the greatest of intentions to do lots of thorough research. But it always becomes a little half baked and thus we often wake up on day 2 or 3 and genuinely have no real idea what we are going to do. This…

Tenerife – The West Coast and Mount Teide

A lot of people were a little surprised when we said we we were going on holiday to Tenerife. The Canary Islands are a haven for beach lovers and beer guzzlers though, so I suppose it did seem rather far removed from our usual adventures. But we had undertaken a smattering of research and we…

La Linea de Concepcion (Spain) & Gibraltar

I can’t quite explain it but it felt almost a relief to be back in Europe. Almost like common sense had resumed and everything was a bit more predictable. For one thing it seemed very novel that drivers stopped for pedestrians at the zebra crossings. I gave th cars a distrusting look for a while,…